The Company’s initiative on Sustainability reflects its commitment to monitor and report its progress on sustainable strategies, overview of the Group’s sustainability efforts and our approach towards risks and opportunities in environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) aspects.

Our organisation-wide sustainability agenda “Replanting Sabah’s Forests for Future Generations” represents our commitment to sustainable development. This agenda translated into a sustainable forest management and protecting the environment.

Sustainability Policy

Sustainability involves the comprehensive integration of ethical business practices, responsibly and profitably addressing pertinent Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concerns.

Our Sustainability Governance

We believe a strong governance structure and a clear line of accountability will enable the Group to deliver its commitment to sustainability.

The Board has oversight responsibility to deliver sustainable value to stakeholders through the principles, policies, objectives and strategies of Jawala. The Board is primarily responsible for the Group’s sustainability practices and performance and is assisted by a team comprising of selected senior management and key executives. The team initiates, drives and monitors various aspects of the Group’s sustainability practices, ensuring effective integration of ESG initiatives into the business operations and corporate objectives.

Stakeholder’s Engagement

The Group understands the needs and expectations of our key stakeholders and strive to build mutually beneficial relationships. We engage our key stakeholders through the following ways and identified area of interest in FY 2021:

Stakeholders Means of communication FrequencyArea of interest
  • Annual and general meetings
  • Corporate websites
  • SGX-ST announcements
  • Annually
  • Periodically
  • Ad hoc
  • Financial position
  • Transparency and Business Ethics
  • Corporate Governance
Government and Regulators Consultations and seminars organised by regulatory bodies Advice and information from professionals e.g., sponsors and regular liaison with the Sabah Forestry Department to comply with their requirements Regularly
  • Compliance with regulatory and act
  • Sustainable forest management
  • Meetings and feedback
  • Product quality
  • Product certification
  • Sustainable
  • forest management
Suppliers Suppliers’ assessment and feedback Annual
  • Supplier assessment
  • Jawala’s company policies and commitments to sustainable forest management
  • Regular communication and engagement activities
  • Trainings
  • Regular staff performance assessment
Regularly Annual
  • Health and Safety
  • Career development
  • Business ethics

Material Sustainability Matter

The Group understands the needs and expectations of our key stakeholders and strive to build mutually beneficial relationships. We engage our key stakeholders through the following ways and identified area of interest in FY 2021:

Further Reading


This document follows the guidance of the MC&I V.2 (Plantation) Standard (2012) in mapping and managing HCVFs in SFMLA 02/2015.

We classify our material sustainability matters into ESG as follows:


  • Research and Development
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation


  • Training and staff development
  • Health and safety
  • Workforce diversity
  • Community development

Corporate Governance

  • Compliance SFMLA
  • Legal compliance and Corporate Governance