Datuk Jema Khan
Non-Independent Non-Executive Chairman
Datuk Jema Khan was appointed to the Board as the Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on 8 August 2017 and was last re-elected as Director on 25 November 2019. Datuk Jema Khan has retired as the Chief Executive Officer and has been…
Mr Rahman Khan
Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director
Mr. Rahman Khan was appointed to the Board as Executive Director on 28 September 2017 and was last re-elected as Director on 25 November 2019. Meanwhile, he has been promoted as the Chief Executive Officer of the Group on 1 June 2021.
Ms Nadja Binti Jema Khan
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Ms. Nadja Binti Jema Khan was appointed to the Board as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 September 2017 and was last re-elected as Director on 27 November 2020. Ms. Nadja is currently Head of Financial Reporting…
Mr Muaz Bin Jema Khan
Alternate Director to Ms. Nadja
Mr. Muaz Bin Jema Khan was appointed to the Board as the Alternate Director to Ms. Nadja Binti Jema Khan on 1 June 2021. Mr. Muaz started his career as an associate in CIMB Private Equity Sdn. Bhd. in 2012. Thereafter, in 2013 he joined…
Mr Lee Yong Soon
Lead Independent Director
Mr. Lee Yong Soon was appointed to the Board as Lead Independent Non-Executive Director on 27 April 2018 and was last re-elected as Director on 26 November 2018. Mr. Lee Yong Soon has more than 45 years of experience in the finance industry…
Mr Leow Ming Fong
Independent Director
Mr. Leow Ming Fong was appointed to the Board as
Independent Non-Executive Director on 27 April 2018 and was last re-elected as Director on 27 November 2020. Mr. Leow Ming Fong commenced his articleship with a medium sized firm…
Ms Faridah Binti Mohd Fuad Stephens
Independent Director
Ms. Faridah Binti Mohd. Fuad Stephens was appointed to the Board as Independent Non-Executive Director on 27 April 2018 and was last re-elected as Director on 26 November Ms. Faridah obtained her Bachelor of Arts from Monash
University in December 1984 and a LLB Bachelor Of Laws from the University of London in August 1989. Following which, she began her career as a journalist in Berita Publishing Sdn. Bhd. from October 1990 to January 1993. Thereafter, she joined The Writers’ Publishing House Sdn. Bhd. from October 1993
till September 2015 and served as the Managing Director. Ms Faridah did not hold any directorship in any other listed company as at the date of Annual Report and for the last three years.
Senior Management
Mr Maxy Self
Chief Operation Officer
Mr. Maxy Self was appointed as our Group’s Chief Operations Officer on 8 August 2017. He is mainly responsible for the running of the operations on the ground, which includes oversight of forest and plantation management, security, camp management and administrative issues.